Charity Week: Not a Piece of Gum
Graffiti Admin | April 10th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Charity Week: Not a Piece of Gum
CONNIE ZHANG “AIDS”, “cancer”, and “poverty” have become the chewed up pieces of gum we see along the sidewalks. Fresh and meaningful at the beginning but discarded after the sweet and minty flavours are consumed. We see advertisements with these words and they no longer impact us as much while millions around the world still […]

The Birds, The Bees, and Your Parents
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Birds, The Bees, and Your Parents
SAM KELLERMAN The birds and the bees. How did a small mammal and a small insect become such wide spread symbols of sex? Many credit the phrase to Cole Porter, for using the lyrics “And that’s why birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it, let’s do it, let’s fall in love” […]

Sex, Drugs, and Cellphones
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Sex, Drugs, and Cellphones
SABRINA REN We’re suspended for sexual harassment, drug possession, and now… for using cellphones? It’s 2010, and the “When I was your age, I didn’t have a computer or a flushable toilet” arguments really don’t apply anymore. Schools need to accept that cellphones have become a crucial part of our lives, for better or for […]
peddle’s perspective: THE BOYS ARE BACK!
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Opinion | Comments Off on peddle’s perspective: THE BOYS ARE BACK!
MR. PEDDLE Did you ever see that episode of Star Trek where they visit an alien planet that is run by well endowed women in golden disco suits? Ok, granted, that happened in almost every episode. My point is this. It’s possible for places to exist where the women are in charge and the men […]
HANNAH TARDER STOLL “Which of you are non-Christian, Jewish?” the man inquired. His thin-rimmed glasses magnified his already massive eyes, giving him the look of a trapped goldfish and the collar of his plaid, button-up shirt was starched so stiff that I was surprised he wasn’t struggling for breath. The dense air was heavy with […]

Public Disservice: Woes of a TTCer
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Public Disservice: Woes of a TTCer
AHRON SEMAN I guess I’m a TTCer. Don’t blame me; I wouldn’t take it if I didn’t absolutely have to – there are just no other options. It’s not completely horrendous; it eventually gets you where you’re going (most of the time). It’s just that sometimes it seems as though the TTC isn`t aware they […]
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | External News | Comments Off on A Little Help Here? SHOULD NT HAVE DONE MORE?
ALICE ZHU It’s the start of a new decade, bringing joy and new resolutions. But along with it comes grief and sorrow as well: on January 12th, 2010, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck the country of Haiti, 100 metres away from its capital of Port-au-Prince. I found out about the event […]
Soles4Souls: Helping those in need, Two shoes at a time
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Soles4Souls: Helping those in need, Two shoes at a time
YOLANDA HO After initially hearing about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, my reaction was to see if we could change the charity this year to the Red Cross. But, of course, we made a promise to the ‘Not For Sale charity’, and were determined to help end slavery around the world. Charity week began, and […]
Why did the Student Cross the Road?
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why did the Student Cross the Road?
CHARLES LEE Time for my daily crime. Check for cops, nope. Look around for any obstacles (especially those little, old ladies). Okay, time to creep into the street, waiting for an opening. Now! Dash across Yonge. Safe in front of HMV. Time for lunch. Why take the chance? I just saved 10 precious minutes. If […]
The End of Google China
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | External News | Comments Off on The End of Google China
YEOGAI CHOI On Monday, March 22, Google stopped censoring its search services on Google China. Users heading to Google China are now being redirected to Google Hong Kong, uncensored due to Hong Kong’s much higher freedom of information. According to Google, this move was “entirely legal” and stayed within the bounds of Google’s 2006 agreement […]