Ebama’s Dramas

Graffiti Admin | January 4th, 2010 | NT News | Comments Off on Ebama’s Dramas


Hello, students of North Toronto, this year I am excited to say that I have my very own Graffitti Column! So for all of you who think that as the secretary, I don’t do anything, you’re wrong. I actually do a quite lot, I send annoying five word emails to the home form reps, photocopy things, and write this column; basically, keeping all of you up to date on the super exciting and amazing things going on in our beautiful school. Also, I’ll fill you in on the major DrAmZz that goes along with being on student council. You may think that we’re just a bunch of nerds, well, you’re right, but that doesn’t stop there from being tons of nerd drama, which is obviously the best kind! Honestly, we’re like Laguna Beach, or Gossip Girl, or Degrassi, or 16 & Pregnant…wait what? Just kidding!

This year, our Student Council bonding couldn’t have got off to a better start than Leadership Weekend. Allie Haines, head of the G.A.A., succeeded in planning an amazing weekend along with execs Chelsea Alexander and Alison Grenier. There were games, songs, cheers, injuries, and best of all dancing boys in wife beaters. The weekend left the participants with new friendships and lasting memories. I on the other hand, was forced to have Yolanda Ho (Music Council President), as my cabin mate, not only was she extremely messy and left her socks, towels, and other things…on my bed, she also enjoyed getting down from the top bunk without warning me. This meant that I was jolted out of my sleep thinking that either a bear or a serial killer was attacking me, when really Yolanda was just going off to brush her teeth. Needless to say I won’t be moving in with her anytime soon.

As we headed back to school, reality set in. Mickey had semi to deal with, Yas and Nina had to start planning Charity Week, Yolanda Ho was organizing Music Carnival. Allie and Tom had to start planning Red and Gray Day, Yuchen was busy with club funding, James had all his Presidential stuff to do, and I was of course, super busy and stressed as usual, because I needed to catch the Gossip Girl episode I missed last week as well as the Office, sometimes it just seems like there’s so little time.

Allie Haines and Thomas Knee had to get down to business with Red and Gray Day preparations. It was fast approaching, and Tom wasn’t sure if the sparkly red spandex suit he ordered on eBay, would arrive in time. Mickey Kramer or “Da Party Masta”, as we like to call her, had semi coming up on October 23rd, and had to get all the details organized and some problems sorted out. Unfortunately Britney Spears had to cancel her performance and Kanye owed me a favour, so I thought we could ask him. I called him up and half way through my question he just said “Emma, Emma, I love you, and I’m sorry to interrupt but Northern had one of the best semi’s of all time.” What an idiot, I just hung up on him and told Mickey she would just have to make semi better than ever. Ms.Ho was getting very excited about the Music Carnival, as well as the Bowlathon that was coming up. It’s open to all students and for the low price of $80 you can wear ugly bowling shoes and hang out with your friends for the night. Finally, I couldn’t really tell you what James is up to at the moment as I don’t really pay too much attention when he speaks, I just day dream about our love and how perfect it would be if we dressed up as Jon and Kate plus 8 for Halloween, but I’ll let you know how that went in my next column. Until then, peace out, keep on rockin’ in the free world, stay classy, I’m talking to you Ms. Ho.

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