Charity Week: Not a Piece of Gum
Graffiti Admin | April 10th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Charity Week: Not a Piece of Gum
CONNIE ZHANG “AIDS”, “cancer”, and “poverty” have become the chewed up pieces of gum we see along the sidewalks. Fresh and meaningful at the beginning but discarded after the sweet and minty flavours are consumed. We see advertisements with these words and they no longer impact us as much while millions around the world still […]

The Birds, The Bees, and Your Parents
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Birds, The Bees, and Your Parents
SAM KELLERMAN The birds and the bees. How did a small mammal and a small insect become such wide spread symbols of sex? Many credit the phrase to Cole Porter, for using the lyrics “And that’s why birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it, let’s do it, let’s fall in love” […]

Sex, Drugs, and Cellphones
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Sex, Drugs, and Cellphones
SABRINA REN We’re suspended for sexual harassment, drug possession, and now… for using cellphones? It’s 2010, and the “When I was your age, I didn’t have a computer or a flushable toilet” arguments really don’t apply anymore. Schools need to accept that cellphones have become a crucial part of our lives, for better or for […]
HANNAH TARDER STOLL “Which of you are non-Christian, Jewish?” the man inquired. His thin-rimmed glasses magnified his already massive eyes, giving him the look of a trapped goldfish and the collar of his plaid, button-up shirt was starched so stiff that I was surprised he wasn’t struggling for breath. The dense air was heavy with […]

Public Disservice: Woes of a TTCer
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Public Disservice: Woes of a TTCer
AHRON SEMAN I guess I’m a TTCer. Don’t blame me; I wouldn’t take it if I didn’t absolutely have to – there are just no other options. It’s not completely horrendous; it eventually gets you where you’re going (most of the time). It’s just that sometimes it seems as though the TTC isn`t aware they […]
Soles4Souls: Helping those in need, Two shoes at a time
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Soles4Souls: Helping those in need, Two shoes at a time
YOLANDA HO After initially hearing about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, my reaction was to see if we could change the charity this year to the Red Cross. But, of course, we made a promise to the ‘Not For Sale charity’, and were determined to help end slavery around the world. Charity week began, and […]
Why did the Student Cross the Road?
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why did the Student Cross the Road?
CHARLES LEE Time for my daily crime. Check for cops, nope. Look around for any obstacles (especially those little, old ladies). Okay, time to creep into the street, waiting for an opening. Now! Dash across Yonge. Safe in front of HMV. Time for lunch. Why take the chance? I just saved 10 precious minutes. If […]
Concerning the Hot Sauce Competition
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on Concerning the Hot Sauce Competition
ALEX REDINGER I am sure there are many students and staff members throughout the school who have been wondering how a P.R. nightmare like the hot sauce competition could have occurred. The hot sauce competition, in brief, was on the final day of Charity Week, and consisted of eleven brave souls who consumed round after […]
The True Purpose of Fashion Show
Graffiti Admin | April 8th, 2010 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The True Purpose of Fashion Show
ALEX NICHOLSON Teachers and students stop and think for a minute, what is the purpose of Fashion Show? To many of you the answer may have been an excuse to wear “revealing” clothing and dance on stage or to some of you the answer was a student-run show that is led by crazy b****es who […]
Out with the old; In with the new
Graffiti Admin | January 4th, 2010 | NT News, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Out with the old; In with the new
HEATHER HU 365 days ago, it was announced that North Toronto is moving into a brand new home before the 2010-2011 school year. A home located just off of Broadway Ave. where the tears, laughter, and spirit of every NT student will relocate and live in its most vivid form. A one hundred year tradition […]