Candidates for JVP
May 10, 2021

Arissa Roy
Hey NT! My name is Arissa and I am running to be your next JVP. Some of you may already know me as the grade rep who posts those long announcements on our google classroom, or even a Editorial Board member for Graffiti:). But a bit more about me is - I'm a huge go-getter and someone who sees failure as a lesson. As JVP, my three main goals for next year would be to create a platform for students to connect, enhance our reach with charity week by creating educational opportunities to learn about the problems we are trying to help solve, and create specific opportunities for students in grade 9 to get involved from day 1. Those are just my ideas, but remember a vote for me is a vote for WE. To learn more be sure to follow my campaign on insta @arissaforJVP. Let's do this!

Hankun Lin
Ever wanted to communicate with the student council but didn’t know how to? Well, I have the solution for you. Hi, my name is Hankun Lin, and I am running for Junior Vice President(JVP) of the NT student council. I am a very active person who enjoys sports, gaming, photography and making new friends. Along with general responsibilities, I, as the JVP, will improve connections between students in the junior grades(9-10) and the student council. This is especially important during the current lockdown situation that makes communication with peers difficult. I will also improve the quality of videos that the student council produces to make them more effective and engaging. If you are interested in anything mentioned above, be sure to follow and support my campaign @hankun_lin on Instagram beginning on May 10! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a great day.