Candidates for President
May 10, 2021

Maryanna Barkas
How do you picture NT? Do you remember when taking the attendance down from the fourth floor felt like an extreme sport? Frankly, I’d be so down to do that again. More than ever before, your voices, and mental health need to be prioritized. I’m committed to full transparency to foster stronger student-administration connections, and directly focus on student needs. Communication between administration and students must be driven by elevating student perspectives. By pivoting focus to mental wellbeing, we can foster an environment that thrives on current needs. I’m committed to reviving school spirit, returning NT to the environment we all know and love. Through determination, initiative, commitment, and hard work, I’m prepared to meet the needs of the student body and re-engage our community. I’m ready to work hard, and play hard. Are you ready to join me? Vote Mary B for NT Pres!

Jack Vanek
Hey NT! My name is Jack Vanek, JV for short, and I want to be your Student Council President for 2021/2022. My experience in different leadership roles as a class rep, member of NTAA, and PALs Apprentice Head has given me the skills to be your next President. I want to work with Student Council to bring back school spirit, increase student voice, and prioritize student wellness initiatives with your input. I assure you that my goal is to try to create the best year of experiences for all of us because that is the job of a successful leader. I can promise you that I will bring the following characteristics to Student Council: leadership, dedication, accountability, commitment and hard work. I would greatly appreciate your vote. So when you vote on May 18th and 19th, vote Jack Vanek for President (JV4Prez). Follow my campaign on Instagram at jv4prez2021

Owen MacGowan
I hope to be NT’s next president because I want to improve the lives of everyone here at our amazing school. With my extensive experience in communication, organization, scheduling, and teamwork, I will ensure that next year’s student council will be an efficient and hard working group that will make everybody feel welcome and heard. As president, I intend to reinvigorate the NTCI community that has been physically separated due to COVID-19. For over a year, we’ve been affected by this global pandemic. As we begin to slowly rebuild the best of what we had before, I will strive to ensure that everybody transitions back to in-person school as smoothly as possible. I know that this last year has been filled with uncertainty, but there is one thing about the future that I know for sure; with me as your president, we’ll be stronger together.