New North Toronto C.I. under the spotlight

By: Kate No

I knew that our new school was going to spark a great deal of attention but, honestly, I had no clue how big this was going to be. I guess the media just wasn’t enough on Grand Opening day because the Premier of Ontario dropped by recently to take a peek at our new school.

On Tuesday October 7, 2010, Premier Dalton McGuinty, along with St. Paul’s MPP Eric Hoskins visited our new school. Luckily, as Pentagon editors, Lucy Chen and I were there to get some photos, and got to see the Premier right in front of our eyes.

He visited the strings class, the vocal class and listened to some of the wonderful repertoire that North Toronto provides. Little did he realize that the grade 9 class was actually filled with many senior students.

The best part of the visit happened in the band room, where the Premier was making a speech about how magnificent our school was. To be quite frank, I was really proud to be a student at North Toronto and be able to take pride in our new facility, even though the Premier only spent 5 minutes extolling our school and then moved on to talking about retirement homes.

Personally, this day was quite interesting as I got to shake the Premier’s hand and went through my very first interview for a local newspaper. I was shocked, however, when the article described Lucy and me as being “somewhat starstruck” after meeting the Primer.

For those who have just arrived to North Toronto, especially the grade 9s, this is North Toronto. You should be glad that you’ve chosen North Toronto instead of the school down there (cough cough Northern). I’m sure it will be no biggie if the Prime Minister visits our school, right? I mean, it’s North Toronto, the school with the best school spirit, a hundred years of history and tradition, and the best students.