1: #NTproblems

Sarah Ratzlaff


“2 minutes late? Not going to class
#dontwantalateslip #NTprbolems”

“I only got a f*cking 87? #NTproblems”

“Planning after party hookups #niners #NTproblems”

“Rejected from the ping-pong
team #embarrased #shouldveworngoggles #NTproblems

These are just some of the
tweets from North Toronto’s Twitter page #NTproblems. While the anonymous creator(s) of this twitter page does not update their tweets as regularly as T-HILL GRIL
PROBLEMS (Thornhill Girl Problems) may, their tweets are pretty funny in a
“ZOMG its sew true” kind of way. #NTProblems’ tweets mostly consist of frustration
over marks below 90%, incessant bbm malfunctions, and, of course, it wouldn’t
be an authentic nor accurate reflection of NT without it: wheeling. Over all #NTProblems
has some gratuitously funny stuff, so check ‘em out. #whenyoudontknowofacleverwaytoendyourgraffitiarticlesoyoudothisandhopethatnoonewillbothertoreaditbecauseyouaren’tputtinganyspacesbetweenyourwordsbecauseforsomereasonputtinganumbersigninfrontofaphrasejustifiestheabscentuseofthespacebar